Saturday, May 30, 2015

Easy DIY no-sew pashmina scarf vest {plus sized boho fashion}

When I saw this mini fashion project on the Foley Fam blog, I gasped with excitement. I had never seen anything so glorious, so simple.... so ME! 
I'm a pretty big girl, probably twice the size of  Foly Fam's blog-author, Kristen so I had to alter a step a little bit to make this project work for me. So if you're a bigger lady like me, here's how to make this vest work for you too.
Let's get on with it:
All you need is a pashmina scarf and a large safety pin.

Hold out your scarf.

Fold the scarf in half where fringe meets fringe.
(That's not a weird off-set lip piercing. It's a safety pin in my mouth.)

Fold the scarf in half again.

Pin all the layers together at the top corner of the end with all the fringe.
(If you're smaller than 50-inches around in the chest and back, you might be able to use Kristene's knot method instead of pinning.)

Find your fringed edges in the folds and slowly pull the scarf open.
You'll see your vest magically appear before your eyes!

Wearing a vest at a pirate themed party.

A lighter scarf/vest for summer.

If you don't want your safety pin exposed, simply turn the vest inside out OR start making your vest with your favored side of the scarf facing away from your in the very beginning.

This can be done with any wide scarf of any material that is over 4-5 ft long.

Just let me know if you have any questions or comments!