Tuesday, December 29, 2015

25 Amazing Benefits of Tulsi Tea {Holy Basil}

25 Amazing Benefits of Tulsi Tea {Holy Basil}
{DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical professional or alternative medicine expert. All information below has been obtained from the internet. Further information comes from my own personal experiences with tulsi. Reliance on any information appearing in this post is solely at your own risk.}

Tulsi, also known as holy basil is an aromatic plant from India that has been dubbed the Queen of Herbs. As a herbal remedy it has been shown to have many benefits as it is rich in antioxidants and other nutrients. Research shows evidence that tulsi is an excellent health booster and healer. 
Just take a look at all the things tulsi can do for you!!

  • A pain reducer
  • A super antioxidant
  • Balance hormones
  • Improve memory
  • Maintain dental health and reduce bad breath
  • Maintain proper blood sugar levels
  • Maintain respiratory health
  • Promote cerebral circulation
  • Promote clarity of thought and focus
  • Protect against radiation
  • Protect the liver and kidneys
  • Protect vision and eye health
  • Reduce fevers
  • Reduce stress, depression and anxiety
  • Relieve gas and stomach cramps
  • Treat ADHD and ADD
  • Treat arthritis
  • Treat asthma, allergies and bronchitis
  • Treat cancer
  • Treat colds, sore throat and coughs
  • Treat diabetes
  • Treat headaches
  • Treat heart disorders
  • Treat high cholesterol
  • Treat inflammation
  • Treat kidney stones

My personal experience with tulsi.

Almost three years ago when I was in labor with my son at a lovely little birthing center, labor came to an abrupt halt after twelve hours and I had made no progress in dilating. We went to the hospital where they gave me pitocin to rev up labor but after a few hours I still wasn't dilating. Since my water had long since broke we had to go in for an emergency c-section. The surgeon found a softball sized fibroid blocking the birth canal along with a smaller one and a few more. She only removed the big fibroid and left the others behind to be removed later.

Afraid I would become pregnant again before I could have surgery to remove the remaining fibroids, I looked into ways to naturally treat them. I drank tulsi regularly and applied castor oil packs to my lower abdomen as research suggested. I became pregnant with my second child the following year and during the c-section only a few tiny non-threatening fibroid were found!

Today, I am currently sick with my "annual cold". When I felt the symptoms coming last night, I immediately made myself some tulsi tea. I drank three cups yesterday and this morning, I feel like poo but I do not have a full blown stay-in-bed-mommy-needs-a-day-off kind of cold. All of my symptoms are very mild, I have no fever and my nose is clear. I haven't coughed or sneezed yet.
**EDIT - I woke up the next morning feeling great!

Are you interested in giving it a try?

Tulsi tea can be ordered online and found in almost all health stores. It is available in bags, loose or in pill form. I prefer to drink it as the taste is quite splendid. It also comes blended with other herbs for flavor and added health benefits. Some blend options include, green tea, lemon-ginger, sweet rose, pomegranate, Masala chai and more!

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Quirky Bohemian Mama