Hello everyone!! I'm super excited to share this review with you all today because it features one of the coolest kids on the planet: my three year old son, River!
So today we're reviewing two great products by Design Essentials and testing to see how well is works on mixed kid hair.
Last night after a good hair washing I applied the Coconut and Monoi Deep Moisture Masque for curl renewal and let it sit for about five minutes. You're supposed to let it sit for about 15 minutes but River dumped a bowl of water over his head and rinsed most of it out, so I called it quits there.
The moisture masque contains shea butter, vitamin E, sunflower seed oil, almond oil, argan oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, olive oil
, noni fruit extract
and monoi
which is an infused perfume-oil made from the petals of Tahitian gardenias
That's A LOT of natural goodness in one product!
And a bonus: These products are not tested on animals!
Even though we weren't able to condition for the full recommended 15 minutes, River's hair was significantly shinier and felt very strong. And as you can see his curls are defined and hair smells wonderful!
Uh. oh! We're a frizzy mess and looking a little dry.
Sweet dreams = crazy hair!
Not to worry! We've got a curl refresher spray!
Let's see how it works.
First I sprayed his hair with plain water to relax the curls a little and then I gave his hair a nice liberal spritzing of the Coconut Water Curl Refresher
. Now the next step is my own personal method for my son's hair care.
My trick for separating and defining my son's curls is to blow dry
is hair on high heat (he's used to it). BUT I swirl the hair dryer in a circular motion as I dry and point the dryer upwards as I do it. This encourages the curls to separate. But I don't dry the hair completely as this will cause his hair to become frizzy again. I'll have a nice tutorial about that soon!
TAA DAA! We're curly and fresh again!
The curl refresher contains more great natural ingredients including:
Henna extract
, hops extract
(yes, like in beer!), chamomile
, horsetail extract
and wild cherry bark
. The perfect blend of ingredients for quenching dry, thirsty hair.
If you're interested in trying out these Design Essential products
you can purchase them from Amazon. Follow the links to buy the Deep Moisture Masque
and the Coconut Water Curl Refresher.
Click HERE
to check out the entire line of Design Essentials Products or check out my mini-store below. They have wonderful products for ALL types of hair!