World Naked Gardening Day. Yes, it's a real thing. Sounds like something I would have made up, but sadly, I can't take credit for this one.
World Naked Gardening Day is an annual international event celebrated on the first Saturday of May. Here's a little snippet from Wikipedia about this glorious holiday:
According to NBC's Today News, WNGD "has become an annual tradition that celebrates weeding, planting flowers and trimming hedges in the buff. While it’s linked to a movement of nudists who promote wholesome and unashamed acceptance of the human body, the day is meant to be funny, lighthearted and non-political, founders say."
Visit the official World Naked Gardening website HERE.
{WARNING: The above site contains uncensored nudity}
This is the 12th year this holiday has come around and I only found out about it last year thanks to a few Facebook posts that floated around that day. I'm personally not a fan of being nude - it makes me feel horribly vulnerable for some reason and I don't really feel I need to change that - so needless to say, I will NOT be participating in WMGD. But if you're interested in weeding and watering in your birthday suit then below you'll find 10 great products I picked out just for you on your special day of nude bliss.
A Common Sense Guide to Improving Your Health and Lifestyle By Increasing Exposure to Nature, Cultivating a Greener Mindset and Building a Strong Community Lifestyle
From the first few lines to the final sentences, Gardening Nude by Shawna Lee Coronado is a non-stop motivational and inspirational guide to getting your life on track. It gives hope to those who are sick of medicating the symptoms and not the problem, those who are sick of feeling unsatisfied with their life, and those who are just sick of being sick. Shawna's six step Go Green Health Plan is a breath of fresh air where self-improvement plans are concerned and is composed of simple actions everyone can take that will have big results, from just getting outside to strengthening community bonds. - Amazon Review
After gardening in the nude for a day, I'm sure you're going to need it.
Protect your face and the rest of ya with one of these handy things. As weird as it looks it's a actually a pretty highly rated product.
Keep your bum from getting burned with this all natural sunscreen.
Stay fresh and dry from pit to groin with this natural body powder. Made with baking soda, arrowroot powder and cornstarch to absorb odor and wetness as you harvest your crops.
Defend Yourself When the Lawn Warriors Strike (And They Will)
Because you never know what they'll do when they see you picking your tomatoes in the buff.
These foam padded knee pads are just what you need for all your naked knee needs...
But wait... are these considered clothing?
For the modest nude gardener...
And at the end of the day you can scrub your hands clean with this special soap made just for gardeners. This soap is contains corn grits and will scrub you cleaner than a heart surgeon's wrists.
But, hey - you were naked all day so why not give this a try all over, eh? One word - five syllables:
Ex-fo-li-a- tion.
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So what do you think? Interesting in trying your hand at some naked gardening?

Purchase Mr. Naked Gnome HERE